Beginners' Class Teacher Training Program - For new teachers /6 weeks onsite/5200 USD
Option: Yoga Sport Class week for yoga enthusiats /week 6/600 USD/120 USD per day
Regional Program Dates 2025/2026

EUROPE (Czech Republic - Prague): April 13th - May 22nd 2026
The Original Hot 90-minute and 60-minute Beginners’ Class has been a common experience of many hot yoga practitioners, IYSF members and yoga sport competition participants, around the world over many years. We have, therefore, decided to help protect this special therapeutic yoga practice by conducting a Yoga Sport World Beginners’ Class Teacher Training Program for new teachers.
The YSW Beginner’s Class Teacher Training is a 6-week on-site program for students who have been practicing the Beginners’ Class for at least 6 months in their home studios.
During these 6-week new teacher training program, previously certified hot yoga teaches are welcome to join us for a week of their choice for the Teaching Upskilling Program. Yoga Sport practitioners and enthusiasts of the advanced yoga practice are welcome to join us during the Yoga Sport Class week at the end of the new teacher training Program. The Yoga Sport Class week will be taught by IYSF certified A level coaches.
Each regional training program will be run by an experienced senior teacher - Yoga Sport World coordinator, with the assistance of a dedicated official YSW teacher responsible for delivering information-based content each week.
Typical Daily Schedule:
Monday to Friday
08:00 am - 9:30 am - Instruction Session
10:00 am - 11:30 am - Beginners' Class
11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Lunch
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm - In person or online Content Lecture in the studio
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm - Instruction Session
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm - Beginners’ Class
Content Lectures
Anatomy Posture Principles
IYSF A-Level Coach
During the upcoming YSW Beginners’ Class teacher training, Hanna will be presenting a 5-day lecture series on Anatomy Posture Principles, to help the teacher trainees better understand the therapeutic benefits of the Beginners’ Class postures.
She will group the postures according to body movements (Tractions, Backbends, Forward Compressions and Twists), and explain the positive impact they may have upon our body’s organ systems.
Respiratory system (body movement)
Forward Compressions
Torsions / Twists
Posture Technique
Tereza Bonnet-Šenková (Czech republic)
IYSF Head of Technical Committee
To become a capable teacher, it is essential to understand each posture and the vital importance of careful guidance into correct alignment.
Technical information about the postures will be discussed by according to the associated spinal movement:
Day 1 - General principles
Day 2 - Tractions
Day 3 - Tractions and twists
Day 4 - Backbends
Day 5 - Forward compressions
Each posture will be divided into 3 parts:
A slow and carefully guided movement into each posture, with an emphasis on alignment rather than depth.
A moment of focus, breath, and stillness within each posture
A slow and carefully guided movement out of each posture
By refining their understanding of the postures, teachers will improve their own practice, and become more confident in giving basic instructions, as well as individual verbal corrections to those students who are ready to move beyond the general instructions.
Upskilling teachers will be given an opportunity to deliver their Instructions and receive feedback suggestions on their energy, connection, voice management, and body language.
There will be time for a Q&A at the end of each session.
Yoga Philosophy Practical Content
Over the 5 days.
• Cintra will teach you 8 different types of Pranayama.
• Learn a simple Meditation, which we will practice daily.
• Learn high vibration Chants, to practice daily.
• Explore the Chakras, the colour, the sound and the meaning of each one.
• Learn the positive effect of Mantra.
• Find your own personal Mantra that works for you.
• We will be journaling everyday to find out more about you.
• You will also learn how we already practice the 8 stages of yoga in our 26+2 practice.
History and Lineage
IYSF A-Level Judge
According to the Yogi Times, Yoga is practiced by about 300 million people in the world. In some countries, like in Japan, there is a growth of 413% in the last 5 years alone! Modern postural yoga is going through a renaissance and the world wants more. But what about yoga’s past? Yoga has a rich tapestry of history that has brought us to the mat and competition stage today.
Christian Scaraglino will introduce you to our Beginners’ Class Teacher Training History and Lineage content. He explored the Ghosh Yoga Lineage while obtaining a Yoga Therapy Certificate from the Ghosh College of Physical Education in Calcutta, India (2016), where the beginner series saw its origins. He will go through the history of yoga, from the earliest forms of yoga in the Vedic period, through to the Classical Yoga Period, and dive deep into the Bhagavad Gítá and the Yogasūtras of Patañjali, and then explore the history of Hatha Yoga and the development of Modern Postural Yoga.
In the last module, Christian will highlight the Ghosh Lineage, where we will learn about some of the other Calcutta Yogis. Through the popularity of the Beginners’ Class series, this lineage has been an essential player in bringing hot yoga to the world and to yoga competitions, which culminated with Rajashree, and the IYSF, promoting the development of Yoga Asana as a sport.
Module 1 : The Vedic and Vedantic past & intro to Bhagavad Gitá.
Module 2 : The Bhagavad Gíta — Continued
Module 3 : Classical Yoga — the Yogasutras of Patañjali
Module 4 : Tantric and Hatha Yogis, Premodern Yoga and Asanas
Module 5 : The Story of the Gosh Lineage
Teachers’ Feedback and Studio Business
IYSF Head Judge
Lynn Whitlow’s role, as a lecturer in our Teacher Training, is to help our new teachers transition from their on-site training curriculum, back to their home studios.
Her lectures will be split in two parts. First will be theory, where she will introduce details of 9 important teachers’ skills (see below) and second is an interactive application of the tools that studio owners will be then using during their newly trained teachers’ first mock classes.
Lynn will help the mentor(s)/studio owner(s) integrate those tools into the mock classes. She will explain why the common culture within one studio is so important and how this all can have a major impact on the studio business success.
She will teach the studio owners how to give constructive and consistent feedback to all their teachers, new and experienced. Constructive feedback can improve the quality of teaching, as well as help to establish a healthy relationship between the teachers and studio owners, and a safe environment for the clients in the studio.
Teachers’ Skills that are going to be addressed by Lynn during the 5-day lecture:
Body language
Integration of corrections
Understanding of postures, benefits
Yoga Sport
IYSF Head Coach
(Australia - taught by Candice Noble, Europe - taught by Almania Colombo)
Yoga Sport, founded on the ancient values of traditional Indian Yoga, is focused on asanas/postures, which discipline the external physical body, to achieve mental awareness and emotional peace within.
The YSW believes Yoga Sport demonstrates the incredible capabilities of the human body, while bringing a sense of personal achievement and benefit to the participant, and joy and inspiration to the observer.
Kim Tang will guide the Beginners’ Class teacher trainees through the Yoga Sport Drills which are designed to bring a beginners’ asana practice to the next level.
Her role in our teacher training is to build a bridge between the beginners’ level and the advanced level postures. By experiencing the Yoga Sport Drills, the trainees will understand that a deeper version of the beginners’ practice is accessible to all, if the alignment of their beginners’ postures is correct. Kim will address the following elements of spineal movement.
Forward Compression
Lift & Inversions (combining all previous spinal movements with new skills)
NORTH AMERICA (USA - Berkeley, CA): June 23rd - August 1st 2025
2567 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 204-9642
USA Hot Yoga Teacher Training is done in conjunction with
Yoga Sport World, a global educational platform led
by international senior yoga teachers. Lynn Whitlow,
the founder of Funky Door Yoga,is the North American
Coordinatorfor Yoga Sport World and is excitedto
host the training.
Funky Door Yoga is a member of Yoga Alliance,
the largest nonprofit member association representing
the global yoga community.

AUSTRALASIA (AUSTRALIA - Fitzroy, Victoria): August 11th - September 19th 2025

24-26 Johnston Street
Fitzroy, Victoria 3065
+61 413 114 288
The 2025 Australasian Beginners’ Class Teacher
Training is done in conjunction with Yoga Sport World,
a global educational platform led by international
senior yoga teachers. Susan and Michael Houghton
are dedicated to the Original Hot Yoga Class
and have been practicing since 2002, and teaching
since 2005. They are the Australasian Coordinators
for Yoga Sport World. Their studio, Bikram Yoga Fitzroy,
has taught the genuine 90-minute class for nearly
20 years, and will host the Australasian YSW
Beginners’ Class Teacher Training Program for the third time.